Entries by Sunrise Farms

A Ground Beef Primer From Sunrise.

You’ve probably heard the passionate arguments in favor of grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is a term used to describe a cow’s diet of grass only. It may have less fat, and more antioxidants and vitamins than your standard, grain fed ground beef.

Honey For Your Health.

Paintings from the Stone Age depict humans using honey to treat a variety of ailments. Modern scientific studies have shown honey to be an effective element in healing wounds, minimizing inflammation and gastrointestinal distress.

Treat Your Family To A Fresh Turkey!

Our turkeys have been running around all season, eating grubs and non-GMO feed to fatten up for your Thanksgiving table. These delicious birds are more nutritious than your average supermarket bird because of the diversity of their diet.

Ginger Beef Stir Fry

Just the other night, we tried a new recipe from Simply Recipes. It was delicious and nutritious and worked perfectly with the grass finished sirloin steak from our family farm.