Cage Free Eggs: What Does It Mean.

Egg terminology has evolved in the past 25 years with designations like “cage-free eggs” and “pastured eggs” notating carton upon carton of options in the grocery store. Sometimes these terms can be misleading and confusing for the everyday shopper. Here’s a breakdown on egg terminology and what individual designations mean:

  • Cage Free: Hens with eggs designated cage-free are allowed to roam within their hen house, but usually not outside. This could be a large house or a small house. This term is not regulated by any Federal organization.
  • Free Range: Free range hens are cage free and allowed to go outside; however, outside might mean only a small patch of fenced dirt without access to grasses and grubs.
  • Pastured: Pastured hens are cage free and given plenty of pasture to roam where they can eat the grass and grubs that diversify their diets and make their eggs more nutritiously complex.
  • Certified Organic: Organic chickens have been fed a completely organic diet certified by the USDA. Organic chickens are not necessarily pastured and could spend all their time inside.
  • Certified Humane: Chickens raised in certified humane conditions are regulated by the Humane Farm Animal Care Organization. They are uncaged and have access to perches and boxes, but not necessarily the outdoors.
all natural, pastured eggs

Get To Know Where Your Food Comes From.

While specific terminology can help us make informed choices, the best way to keep informed on the quality of your food is to get to know the farmer who produces it. Visit local farms and farmers markets and ask questions to learn their standard operating procedures and best practices. You’ll feel rest assured that you’re serving your family options you feel comfortable with. Contact a member of our friendly team to learn more about the Sunrise Farms difference and what makes our products so unique.

Learn More About Cage Free & Pastured Eggs.