Gift Cards

We’re pleased to announce we have Sunrise Farms gift cards in stock and available to give to your special someone.

all-natural ham sliced

All-Natural Meat For Your Easter Celebration

Celebrate Christmas with all-natural meat from our family farm.

fresh chicken processing

Why Fresh Chicken Is Better.

Most people think they’ve eaten fresh chicken, but they haven’t. Chicken can be labeled as fresh if it has never been stored below 26 degrees Fahrenheit.

all-natural pork

Whole All-Natural Hog

The hogs at Sunrise Farms, a Berkshire cross, are fed natural feeds without added growth hormones or antibiotics. They are not confined, have access to the outdoors, are well-bedded, and free to move about our farm.

lamb chops sizzled in garlic

Whole All-Natural Lamb

Sunrise Farms is pleased to offer naturally-raised Dorper hair sheep, known for their mild-flavored meat without the stronger mutton taste commonly associated with wool sheep.


Whole All-Natural Beef

In addition to selling our beef in our store, we take orders for whole beef. We attempt to sell an entire beef. If you are purchasing a half or quarter of beef, you should find others to take the other half or quarter, or we may ask you to wait until we have sufficient orders to process the rest of the beef.